The [BC]2 Scientific Committee is mostly composed of SIB Members and Group Leaders. The committees' task is to coordinate and develop the scientific programme.

Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT)

Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT)

The SCCT plans and decides on the scientific content of the conference. It recruits and coordinates the session chairs. The team is composed of SIB Members:

Katja Bärenfaller (Molecular Allergology Group, SIAF (University of Zurich), Davos

David Gfeller (Computational Cancer Biology Group, UNIL, Lausanne)

Catherine Jutzeler (ETH, Zurich)
Group Leader, Biomedical Data Science Lab

Abdullah Kahraman  (FHNW, School of Life Sciences, Muttenz)
Group Leader, Data Science in Life Sciences

Diana Marek (SIB, Lausanne)
Training Manager & Computational Biologist

Session Chairs

The session chairs are responsible for selecting the presentations in their session and ensuring consistency in the scientific quality of the presentations.

  • Bioinformatics for cancer research
    • Valentina Boeva (Boeva Lab, Computational Epigenetics of Cancer, ETH, Zurich)
    • Santiago Carmona (CARMONA Lab, Ludwig Centre for Cancer Research, UNIL, Epalinges)
    • Session coordinator: David Gfeller

  • Bioinformatics in infectious diseases
    • Emma Hodcroft (Assistant Professor, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Allschwil)
    • Jacques Fellay (Fellay Lab – Human Genomics of Infection and Immunity, EPFL, Lausanne)
    • Session Coordinator: Katja Bärenfaller

  • Clinical data science
    • Valérie Barbié (Director Clinical Bioninformatics, SIB, Geneva)
    • Laura Azzimonti (Senior Researcher and Lecturer at IDSIA, USI-SUPSI, Lugano and Leader of the SIB group Machine Learning for Bioinformatics and Personalised Medicine)
    • Session Coordinators: Catherine Jutzeler /Abdullah Kahraman

  • Evolution and environmental bioinformatics
    • Anne-Florence Bitbol (Bitbol Lab – Laboratory of Computational Biology and Theoretical Biophysics, EPFL, Lausanne)
    • Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas (Population Genomics Group, UNIL, Lausanne)
    • Session Coordinator: Katja Bärenfaller

  • Protein design and modeling molecular assemblies 
    • Pedro Beltrao  (Beltrao Group, Cellular consequences of genetic variation, ETH, Zurich)
    • Janani Durairaj (Computational Structural Biology Group, University of Basel)
    • Session Coordinator: Abdullah Kahraman

  • Single-cell omics
    • Marianna Rapsomaniki (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, UNIL, Lausanne)
    • Julien Roux (DBM Bioinformatics Core Facility, University Hospital Basel)
    • Session Coordinator: David Gfeller

Tutorials & workshops

Evaluation Committee:

  • Diana Marek Training Manager, SIB Training Group | SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
  • Charlyne Bürki, PHD Student at the Computational Evolution lab, ETH D-BSSE | EPFL SV alumni, ETH Zurich
  • Valentyn Bezshapkin, PhD Student in Sunagawa Lab | ETH Zürich

Organization and communication

The [BC]2 is organized by SIB's Communications & Scientific Events Team:

  • Elsa Dubar (Communications & Event Manager)
  • Solange Guye (Scientific Events Manager)

with the help of the rest of the team:

  • Maïa Berman (Team Lead Communications)
  • Marie Dangles (‪Director, External & Internal Relations)
  • Sylvie Flegel (Communications Officer)
  • Evren Kiefer (Communications Manager)