The tutorials and workshops programme is now official. It will be possible to select one (or two in case of half-day) tutorial or workshop.
See below the full list:
- T1 - Analyzing lineage data with BEAST 2: an introduction to TiDeTree (1/2 day - AM)
- T2 - Bioinformatic analyses and visualization of genetic and functional data in the context of proteins using Genomics 2 Proteins portal resources (1/2 day - PM)
- T3 - Biomedical knowledge graphs meet language models (1/2 day - PM)
- T4 - Build a microbial genomic sequence database with Loculus (full day)
- T5 - From concept to community: building and maintaining scientific resources (1/2 day - AM)
- T6 - How to make best use of Cellosaurus (1/2 day - PM)
- T7 - How to... graphical abstracts (1/2 day - AM)
- T8 - LLMs in genomics: decoding genomic sequences with advanced representations (1/2 day - AM)
- T9 - Network-medicine-based drug repurposing (full day)
- T10 - The Bgee suite: leveraging standardized and comparable transcriptomics data across animals (1/2 day - PM)
- W1 - An introduction to the new Ensembl Genome Browser and custom annotation of variants with the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) (1/2 day - AM)
- W2 - FAIR conceptual and technical infrastructures facilitating high quality health data access for research (full day)
- W3 - Functional homology and molecular similarity: prospects and pitfalls in data-driven protein & drug discovery (full day)
- W4 - Measuring what matters: quantitative comparisons of institutional equality, diversity, and inclusion actions (1/2 day - PM)