• Present your industry-academia collaboration

    Posted on 23 January 2023.

    This year, a special session dedicated to “Industry-academia collaborations from scientific and contractual perspectives” will take place on Wednesday 13 September. Researchers and companies of all sizes are invited to present their joint projects and interdisciplinary collaborations.

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  • Meet the invited speakers

    Posted in Scientific programme on 17 January 2023.

    It is our great pleasure to announce our invited speakers who will present cutting-edge ideas and research in computational biology and bioinformatics:

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  • The call for abstract is now open!

    Posted in Scientific programme on 9 January 2023.

    The [BC]2 Scientific Committee is now inviting abstract submissions on biological and bioinformatics research and applications, and the development of methods and software.

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  • The tutorials & workshops call is extended!

    Posted in Tutorials and workshops on 6 January 2023.

    The purpose of the tutorial programme is to provide participants with lectures or practical training covering topics relevant to the field of bioinformatics, while workshops objectives are to discuss technical issues, exchange research ideas, and share practical experiences on some focused or emerging topics in bioinformatics.

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  • Elisabeth Bik and Fabian Theis will present at [BC]2

    Posted in Scientific programme on 5 January 2023.

    It is our pleasure to welcome at [BC]2 as our keynote speakers:

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  • Submit your tutorial and workshop proposals

    Posted in Tutorials and workshops on 15 November 2022.

    [BC]2 will feature a one-day workshops and tutorials session on Monday 11 September 2023. The call for proposals is now open.

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  • Entries open for the 2023 SIB Bioinformatics Awards

    Posted on 1 November 2022.

    Bioinformaticians of the world, it is your time to shine! [BC]2 is the highlight of the year for winners of the SIB Bioinformatics Awards, who will be announced and present their work during a plenary session. 

    To promote excellence, diversity and innovation in the field of bioinformatics, SIB created the SIB Bioinformatics Awards in 2008 to acknowledge a PhD paper, international early career bioinformaticians and ground-breaking resources of national and international standing.

    The Awards honour bioinformatics excellence in three categories and are currently seeking submissions:

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  • Tutorials & workshops: the evaluation team is set

    Posted in Tutorials and workshops on 10 October 2022.

    The programme of tutorials and workshops is established by Patricia Palagi (Head of Training, SIB, Lausanne). She has named two members of the SIB PhD Training Network to help her in the task of selecting the tutorials and workshops and ensuring smooth coordination. 

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  • The Scientific Committee is complete!

    Posted on 3 October 2022.

    The Scientific Committee (SC), composed of 2 session chairs per session, is selected by the Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT). The session chairs are responsible for selecting the presentations in their session and ensuring consistency in the scientific quality of the presentations.

    It is our great pleasure to announce the name of the selected session chairs:

    • Dynamics of immune processes: from responses to pathogens to immunotherapy
      • Marija Buljan (Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
        St. Gallen )
      • Adria...

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  • Meet the Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT)

    Posted in Scientific programme on 4 July 2022.

    We are thrilled to announce the members of the Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT). The SCCT plans and decides on the scientific content of the the conference. It recruits and coordinates the keynote speakers and session chairs, as well as workshops and tutorials. The team is composed of SIB Group Leaders :

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