Call for Posters The organizers of [BC]2 2011 invite all interested participants and conference attendees to consider presenting a poster:
Online poster submission is closed. Authors have been informed about acceptance of their contributions.
Key Dates:
[BC]2 2011 will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines. We are soliciting high-quality research posters in all aspects of computational biology, systems biology, biophysics, bioinformatics, modeling and simulation. Poster Guidelines: You are invited to submit a poster abstract (aprox. 250 words) that will be included in the electronic conference program on the conference web site. You may add (optional) one small figure in JPG format (max. 250 X 250 pixels) to be included in the electronic poster program. Posters abstracts submitted by the May 15, 2011 deadline will be reviewed by the poster selection committee and notification of acceptance will be provided to the corresponding author no later than Monday, May 25, 2011. The poster boards are 1 m x 1.80 m, ideal poster size should be A0 (i.e. ca 90 cm wide x 130 cm high). The presenting author must be registered to the conference, and there is a limit of one poster per presenting author. Industrial and commercial presentations Conference posters are intended to convey a scientific result and are not advertisements for commercial software packages. A conference poster that is judged by the conference organizers to be an advertisement will be subject to removal without notice. There will be a separate space for Industry Posters in the exhibition area - please contact us to learn more about Industry Posters and sponsoring opportunities:
[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference is a symposium of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics organized by: