Join us in Basel for [BC]2! Situated in Switzerland at the heart of Europe, Basel is one of the continent’s most convenient locations for major events. Basel is easily accessible from many European cities by air or high-speed trains. Basel - Culture unlimited. The city ranks with the European élite in the fine arts, as is demonstrated by its hosting ‘Art Basel’, the world’s leading contemporary art fair.
City of Basel
Basel is very proud of its many museums. No other European city has so many top museums in such a small space. 37 square kilometres for almost 40 museums! The range of collections presented is very broad, but the focus is on fine art.
Contemporary architecture has become a brand name for Basel. Cutting-edge buildings by top international architects in fascinating contrast to the dignified traditions of the old town round out the image of a cosmopolitan metropolis.
Basel - Economy The Basel area has the most dynamic economy in Switzerland and one of the most productive and innovative in the world. It provides jobs for around 300,000 people from Switzerland and abroad. By far the greatest economic value added is created by Life Sciences, represented by renowned global players like Novartis, Roche, and Syngenta, to name a few. Other important branches of trade are the chemical industry, finance and insurance, logistics and the creative industry. Basel - Life Sciences Life Sciences and Chemical Industries Basel has the highest density of successful life science-enterprises world wide. With Roche and Novartis, the headquarters of two of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are located in Basel. But that is only half of the big picture. The Life Sciences cluster in Basel also comprises many smaller companies and highly successful start-ups. Basel is part of the trinational Bio Valley stretching from Basel to Strasburg in France. It is not just the local pharmaceutical, bio- and medtech companies that profit from this dynamic cluster of life science-enterprises. All other branches of trade take advantage of its innovative potential, too. The chemical industry and nanotechnology are also well represented in the Basel area with companies that include Syngenta, Lonza, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Clariant and Huntsman. Medical technology is focusing increasingly on the interface between life sciences and medical technology. With Straumann and Synthes there are already two world leaders that are based here in Basel. More about Basel
[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference is a symposium of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics organized by: